Balance systems

Hearing aid analyzer system
Hearing aid analyzer system
Tympanometer systems
Tympanometer systems
Visual system
our vision helps us see where our head and body are in relationship to the world around us and to sense motion between us and our environment.
Vestibular system
Balance organs in the inner ear tell the brain about the movements and position of our head. There is a set of three tubes (semi-circular canals) in each ear, and these sense when we move our head around and help keep our vision clear. There are also two structures in each ear called otoliths (the utricle and saccule). They tell the brain when the head is moving in a straight line (like when we are riding in a car or going up or down in an elevator) and sense the position of the head even when it is still (if it is upright or tilted).
Proprioceptive input
Special sensors sensitive to stretch or pressure in our muscles, tendons, and joints help our brain to know how our feet and legs are positioned compared to the ground and how our head is positioned compared to our chest and shoulders.
Putting it all together - the brain stem

Information from our vision, muscles, tendons, joints, and balance organs in our inner ear are all sent to the brain stem. The brain stem also gets information from other parts of the brain called the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, mostly about previous experiences that have affected our sense of balance. Our brain can control balance by using the information that is most important for a particular situation. For example, in the dark, when the information from our eyes is reduced or might not be accurate, our brain will use more information from our legs and our inner ear. If We are walking on a sandy beach during the day, the information coming from our legs and feet will be less reliable and our brain will use information from our visual and vestibular systems more.

Motor output

Once your brain stem sorts out all of this information, it sends messages to the eyes and other parts of our body to move in a way that will help us keep our balance and have clear vision while you are moving.

A balance disorder is a disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady, giddy, woozy, or have a sensation of movement, spinning, or floating. Vertigo is the symptom of a disturbance in the equilibrium system. Disturbances in the equilibrium system are from the point situated in the ear Skull labyrinth from the balance nerve or from the central section of the balance system (in the brain). The balance system should be specifically examined using various test methods to detect the location of the failure, the extent and especially a possible therapeutic needs early so that you can adequately advise patients:

Examination of the 6 semicircular canals and the otholithic organs (vHIT, Caloric exam., c/oVEMPs)
Examination of the Posturography (static and dynamic Posturography)
Examination of the central (neurology) part vestibular organ (occulomotoric tests, HINTS test)


Our diagnostic Balance systems offer hearing and medical professionals all of the necessary tests and options for complete evaluation of their patient’s balance disorders. Balance systems are important diagnostic devices at Ear Nose and Throat clinics, ENT departments in hospitals and in audiology clinics.